Penetrant and outstanding Lubricant.
CorrosionX is Paraffin based and utilizes Polar Bonding which does far more than merely slow down the corrosion process. CorrosionX kills Rust and Corrosion, penetrates and lubricates.
Can be applied on wet and already corroded surfaces
Safe to 39.000 volt
Can be welded over without causing “splattering”
Non flammable
Lubrication value 0,4 , which is 3 times better than standard engine oil
Outstanding Anti-Seize with “self-healing” properties
Water proofing Electronics and Electrics
Safe on Rubber, Neopren, Glass, Plexiglass, all plastics, all paints, cabling and monofilament
Approved by the NZ Ministry of Primary Industries as C11 (same as Lanolin)
CorrosionX is registered as Downer Part no. 5000 and Fonterra SAP 52034964